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The Barbie Island Flower Box is a luxurious and vibrant arrangement featuring 20 Rosita Roses, 3 Hydrangea Stems, 8 Chrysanthemum Stems, 6 Matthiola Stems, 2 Amaranthus Stems, 1 Salix Stem, 5 Feathers, 10 Bunny Tail Stems, and 4 Eucalyptus Stems. This beautiful flower box combines bold, elegant blooms with soft textures and greenery, creating a fresh, sophisticated, and truly unforgettable display. Perfect for any special occasion, the Barbie Island Flower Box is a statement piece that brings elegance, beauty, and charm to any celebration. At Fellora Flower Boutique, we ensure that every arrangement is crafted with the freshest, highest-quality flowers to ensure a lasting impression.
Stock confermato 35 min fa
Barbie Island
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- Fellora Luxe Blooms - Supershop. I supershop sono negozi con recensioni eccellenti che fanno del loro meglio per offrire un servizio clienti di alta qualità.
Eucalyptus - 4 pz Hydrangea - 3 pz Chrysanthemum - 8 pz matthiola - 6 pz amaranthus - 2 pz white box - 1 pz feather - 5 pz bunny tail - 10 pz salix - 1 pz rosita roses - 20 pz
- Larghezza - 55 cm
- Altezza - 60 cm
The Barbie Island Flower Box is a luxurious and vibrant arrangement featuring 20 Rosita Roses, 3 Hydrangea Stems, 8 Chrysanthemum Stems, 6 Matthiola Stems, 2 Amaranthus Stems, 1 Salix Stem, 5 Feathers, 10 Bunny Tail Stems, and 4 Eucalyptus Stems. This beautiful flower box combines bold, elegant blooms with soft textures and greenery, creating a fresh, sophisticated, and truly unforgettable display. Perfect for any special occasion, the Barbie Island Flower Box is a statement piece that brings elegance, beauty, and charm to any celebration. At Fellora Flower Boutique, we ensure that every arrangement is crafted with the freshest, highest-quality flowers to ensure a lasting impression.
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