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A stunning bouquet featuring 51 roses in a captivating blend of red and white. This elegant arrangement combines the passionate red roses with the purity of white, creating a striking and sophisticated floral masterpiece. Perfect for expressing love, admiration, or celebrating a special occasion.
Stock confermato 15 min fa
51 piece red and white flowers bouquet
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- 1 la persona hanno aggiunto l'articolo alle loro collezioni
- Riceverai 12 bonus
Red rose - 26 pz White rose - 25 pz
- Larghezza - 15 cm
- Altezza - 50 cm
A stunning bouquet featuring 51 roses in a captivating blend of red and white. This elegant arrangement combines the passionate red roses with the purity of white, creating a striking and sophisticated floral masterpiece. Perfect for expressing love, admiration, or celebrating a special occasion.
149 valutazioni • 133 acquisti
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Its so small for his price
Gennaio 2025
Gennaio 2025
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