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The 25 pink roses basket would make a beautiful and thoughtful gift for a lady on her birthday. The delicate pink color of the roses symbolizes grace, admiration, and appreciation, making it the perfect choice to convey your warm wishes and affection towards her special day.
25 Pink Roses Basket
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- 6 persone hanno aggiunto questo prodotto alle loro collezioni
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Basket - 1 pz Pink rose - 25 pz
- Larghezza - 30 cm
- Altezza - 30 cm
The 25 pink roses basket would make a beautiful and thoughtful gift for a lady on her birthday. The delicate pink color of the roses symbolizes grace, admiration, and appreciation, making it the perfect choice to convey your warm wishes and affection towards her special day.
Valutazioni e recensioni
Settembre 2024
Aprile 2024
Marzo 2024
Super 🤩thanks
Febbraio 2024
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