Elevate your gesture of love with our 23 White Roses Bouquet, a timeless expression of purity, admiration, and elegance. This beautiful bouquet features twenty-three pristine white roses, symbolizing loyalty, grace, and deep respect. Wrapped in delicate pink and white wrapping, the soft pink adds a romantic, feminine touch while the white enhances the purity and sophistication of the roses. This elegant presentation makes it the perfect bouquet for expressing your heartfelt emotions. Whether its for a special celebration or a spontaneous act of love, this bouquet is sure to make her feel cherished and adored. Perfect for: Anniversaries, Weddings, Romantic Occasions, or just to show her how much she means to you.
Questo articolo è temporaneamente esaurito
23 White Roses Bouquet
baby breath - 4 pz roses - 23 pz
- Larghezza - 30 cm
- Altezza - 60 cm
Realflowers, Emirati Arabi Uniti
Paese di produzione
Emirati Arabi Uniti
Elevate your gesture of love with our 23 White Roses Bouquet, a timeless expression of purity, admiration, and elegance. This beautiful bouquet features twenty-three pristine white roses, symbolizing loyalty, grace, and deep respect. Wrapped in delicate pink and white wrapping, the soft pink adds a romantic, feminine touch while the white enhances the purity and sophistication of the roses. This elegant presentation makes it the perfect bouquet for expressing your heartfelt emotions. Whether its for a special celebration or a spontaneous act of love, this bouquet is sure to make her feel cherished and adored. Perfect for: Anniversaries, Weddings, Romantic Occasions, or just to show her how much she means to you.
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Settembre 2024
Aprile 2024
Marzo 2024
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Febbraio 2024
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