Cashew Fancy Sweets 5 Pc Almonds Fancy Sweets 5 Pc Coconut Laddoo 4 Pc Rose Laddoo 4 Pc Dates Dry Fruits Chikki 4 Pc Figs Dry Fruits Chikki 4 Pc Pruned Dry Fruit Chikki 4 Pc Arranged Beautifully In a Box
A rendelkezésre állás megerősítve 75 perc vissza
Assorted Premium Sweet Box
- és kiderítjük a szállítási költségeket
- Ön kapni fog 9.45 Bónusz
Cashew Fancy Sweets 5 Pc Almonds Fancy Sweets 5 Pc Coconut Laddoo 4 Pc Rose Laddoo 4 Pc Dates Dry Fruits Chikki 4 Pc Figs Dry Fruits Chikki 4 Pc Pruned Dry Fruit Chikki 4 Pc Arranged Beautifully In a Box
1693 értékelések • 1260 vásárlások
Értékelések és visszajelzés
Február 2024
Tatiana Veselovskaya
Ezen a héten
Március 2025
In short the order was placed at 11am, delivery was set for 4pm, driver contacted me at 2pm letting me know delivery will be at 6pm instead, I followed up at 7 only to be told delivery again was pushed back to 11pm!! I called the store and my calls were ignored and there was no follow up on their end! Overall it was ridiculous and a horrible experience!
Március 2025
Március 2025
Panasztétel az adott termékre