Erre a termékre már más is rákeresett
A sunflower bouquet is a stunning arrangement of bright and cheerful sunflowers, often mixed with other complementary flowers and greenery. The large, vibrant yellow blooms of the sunflowers serve as the focal point of the bouquet, conveying warmth, happiness, and optimism. The contrast between the yellow petals and the dark center of the sunflowers creates a striking visual effect, while the addition of other flowers such as daisies, roses, or lilies, adds depth and texture to the arrangement. Whether given as a gift or used to brighten up a space, a sunflower bouquet is sure to bring joy and warmth to any occasion.
A rendelkezésre állás megerősítve 45 perc vissza
Sunflower bouquet
- és kiderítjük a szállítási költségeket
- 1 Ember hozzáadott termék a választékához
- Ön kapni fog 8.97 Bónusz
Eucalyptus - 7 db. Sunflower - 12 db.
- Szélesség - 25 cm
- Magasság - 70 cm
A sunflower bouquet is a stunning arrangement of bright and cheerful sunflowers, often mixed with other complementary flowers and greenery. The large, vibrant yellow blooms of the sunflowers serve as the focal point of the bouquet, conveying warmth, happiness, and optimism. The contrast between the yellow petals and the dark center of the sunflowers creates a striking visual effect, while the addition of other flowers such as daisies, roses, or lilies, adds depth and texture to the arrangement. Whether given as a gift or used to brighten up a space, a sunflower bouquet is sure to bring joy and warmth to any occasion.
149 értékelés • 133 megrendelések
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Its so small for his price
Január 2025
Január 2025
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