Erre a termékre már más is rákeresett
Immerse yourself in the captivating charm of our Florists Special bouquet. This stunning arrangement features 20 opulent roses, exquisitely embraced in a delicately wrapped net. A mix of 5 graceful limonium, tucked amidst the bouquet, evokes an ethereal feel. It also comes with a classy card, providing a perfect opportunity to express your heartfelt emotions. This bouquet serves as an elegant symbol of your sentiments.
A rendelkezésre állás megerősítve 40 perc vissza
Special 022
- és kiderítjük a szállítási költségeket
- Ön kapni fog 7.5 Bónusz
Limonium - 5 db. card - 1 db. roses - 20 db. net wrapping - 1 db.
- Szélesség - 40 cm
- Magasság - 45 cm
Rich n royal flowers, Egyesült Arab Emírségek
Gyártó ország
Egyesült Arab Emírségek
Immerse yourself in the captivating charm of our Florists Special bouquet. This stunning arrangement features 20 opulent roses, exquisitely embraced in a delicately wrapped net. A mix of 5 graceful limonium, tucked amidst the bouquet, evokes an ethereal feel. It also comes with a classy card, providing a perfect opportunity to express your heartfelt emotions. This bouquet serves as an elegant symbol of your sentiments.
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