Erre a termékre már más is rákeresett
This exquisite floral arrangement from our Florists Specials encapsulates sophistication and elegance. Immerse in the beauty of seven pristine white roses, harmoniously blended with eight purple carnations, adding a touch of richness to the ensemble. Blooming amidst these are five magnificent purple orchids, exuding an air of serenity and tranquility. Two lush purple hydrangeas enhance the aesthetic appeal, accompanied by four Celum and Kaaps leaves each, further emphasizing the harmony of the arrangement. The bouquet is expertly wrapped in six pieces of dark purple material, beautifully tied together with two chic white satin ribbons. Treat your loved ones to this captivating bouquet, promising a glimpse into the mysterious beauty of nature.
A rendelkezésre állás megerősítve 3 ó 5 perc vissza
Purple Rain
- és kiderítjük a szállítási költségeket
- Ön kapni fog 14.83 Bónusz
White rose - 7 db. carnation purple - 8 db. hydrangea purple - 2 db. satin ribbon white - 2 db. orchids purple - 5 db. kaaps leaves - 4 db. dark purple wrapping - 6 db. celum leaves - 4 db.
- Szélesség - 50 cm
- Magasság - 50 cm
Gyártó ország
Egyesült Arab Emírségek
This exquisite floral arrangement from our Florists Specials encapsulates sophistication and elegance. Immerse in the beauty of seven pristine white roses, harmoniously blended with eight purple carnations, adding a touch of richness to the ensemble. Blooming amidst these are five magnificent purple orchids, exuding an air of serenity and tranquility. Two lush purple hydrangeas enhance the aesthetic appeal, accompanied by four Celum and Kaaps leaves each, further emphasizing the harmony of the arrangement. The bouquet is expertly wrapped in six pieces of dark purple material, beautifully tied together with two chic white satin ribbons. Treat your loved ones to this captivating bouquet, promising a glimpse into the mysterious beauty of nature.
Értékelések és visszajelzés
Március 2025
Február 2025
I order 1 meter rose and I got half metre only!!!
Február 2025
Február 2025
Great experience, bouquet is well priced, well executed. The shop shows you a picture of the final product before sending it! Love it
Február 2025
Instant reply from the team when I contracted them for help with an order. Very good service, would recommend. Was delivered on time right to the doorstep :)
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