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Add a touch of elegance to your floral arrangements with the stunning Momoko Chrysanthemum. Known for its vibrant purple-light violet hue (color code 076B), this variety has been carefully disbudded to produce larger and more vibrant blooms, perfect for any occasion. Flower Details: Color: Purple-Light Violet Size: Approx. 6 - 6.5 cm in diameter Shape: Globose, with a dense, full appearance Petals: Double (Pleniflorous) with multiple rows of petals Leaf Division: Divided or split leaves, adding visual interest With its striking unicolored petals and its moderate flower size, the Momoko Chrysanthemum is an ideal addition to any bouquet or garden display. The unique inflorescence, a single capitulum or flower head, stands out with its bold color and full appearance, creating a visual masterpiece. At Fellora Flower Boutique, we take pride in offering only the finest quality chrysanthemums. Whether youre seeking a captivating centerpiece for a special event or a stunning addition to your garden, Momoko Chrysanthemums will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.

A rendelkezésre állás megerősítve 15 perc vissza

Momoko Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp)

4E Összes értékelés
  • és kiderítjük a szállítási költségeket
  • Ön kapni fog 18 Bónusz


  • Magasság - 20 cm

Add a touch of elegance to your floral arrangements with the stunning Momoko Chrysanthemum. Known for its vibrant purple-light violet hue (color code 076B), this variety has been carefully disbudded to produce larger and more vibrant blooms, perfect for any occasion. Flower Details: Color: Purple-Light Violet Size: Approx. 6 - 6.5 cm in diameter Shape: Globose, with a dense, full appearance Petals: Double (Pleniflorous) with multiple rows of petals Leaf Division: Divided or split leaves, adding visual interest With its striking unicolored petals and its moderate flower size, the Momoko Chrysanthemum is an ideal addition to any bouquet or garden display. The unique inflorescence, a single capitulum or flower head, stands out with its bold color and full appearance, creating a visual masterpiece. At Fellora Flower Boutique, we take pride in offering only the finest quality chrysanthemums. Whether youre seeking a captivating centerpiece for a special event or a stunning addition to your garden, Momoko Chrysanthemums will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.

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Fellora Luxe Blooms

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4895 értékelés 4388 vásárlások

Értékelések és visszajelzés


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Modelisa Mamon

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