Erre a termékre már más is rákeresett
Immerse yourself in the dedication of a skilled florist with this exceptional floral arrangement. This splendid bouquet features a single captivating Hydrangea at its heart, surrounded by a trio of enduring Chrysanthemums and a pair of exquisite Oharas. Attention-commanding Eryngiums join the ensemble, their metallic bluish hue contrasting with delicate Spray Roses and regal Eustomas. Adding a luxurious feel to the bouquet are five impressive Roses, known for their timeless elegance, while exotic Eucalyptus and Dusty Miller foliage provide a thorough green backdrop, enhancing the vivid palette of blooming colours. Crafted with love for the blossoms, this Florists Special guarantees a beautiful sensation on any occasion.
Mixed bouquet Her thoughts
- és kiderítjük a szállítási költségeket
- 1 Ember hozzáadott termék a választékához
- Ön kapni fog 27.45 Bónusz
Eustoma - 3 db. Eucalyptus - 3 db. Spray rose - 4 db. Hydrangea - 1 db. Chrysanthemum - 3 db. Dusty miller - 2 db. rose - 5 db. eryngium - 3 db. ohara - 2 db.
- Szélesség - 45 cm
- Magasság - 50 cm
Immerse yourself in the dedication of a skilled florist with this exceptional floral arrangement. This splendid bouquet features a single captivating Hydrangea at its heart, surrounded by a trio of enduring Chrysanthemums and a pair of exquisite Oharas. Attention-commanding Eryngiums join the ensemble, their metallic bluish hue contrasting with delicate Spray Roses and regal Eustomas. Adding a luxurious feel to the bouquet are five impressive Roses, known for their timeless elegance, while exotic Eucalyptus and Dusty Miller foliage provide a thorough green backdrop, enhancing the vivid palette of blooming colours. Crafted with love for the blossoms, this Florists Special guarantees a beautiful sensation on any occasion.
619 értékelés • 519 vásárlások
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Március 2025
Március 2025
Március 2025
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Február 2025
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