Erre a termékre már más is rákeresett
Give unforgettable joy and bright feelings with an elegant basket of 150 premium roses of Pink OHara variety. These exquisite flowers with rich pink petals and unique fragrance will become an expressive accent of any interior and will emphasize your sincere care and attention.
A rendelkezésre állás megerősítve 3 ó 30 perc vissza
Set of - 150 pink premium O Hara roses, cake with vanilla filling and 10 heart shaped balloons
- és kiderítjük a szállítási költségeket
- Ön kapni fog 88.5 Bónusz
heart shaped balloons - 10 db. cake with vanilla filling - 1 db. premium pink o hara roses - 150 db.
- Szélesség - 60 cm
- Magasság - 40 cm
Chateau flowers
Give unforgettable joy and bright feelings with an elegant basket of 150 premium roses of Pink OHara variety. These exquisite flowers with rich pink petals and unique fragrance will become an expressive accent of any interior and will emphasize your sincere care and attention.
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