Illuminate any occasion with our bouquet. This vibrant arrangement combines the regal elegance of irises, the cheerful warmth of sunflowers, and the delicate charm of tanacetum. The bold colors and varied textures come together to create a lively, joyful display that captures the essence of sunshine and happiness. Perfect for celebrating special moments or brightening someones day, this bouquet arrives beautifully arranged and ready to make an impression.
A termék átmenetileg nincs készleten
Iris and Sunflower Bouquet-948
- 2 személyek hozzáadta a terméket a válogatásához
Iris - 4 db. Sunflower - 3 db. Pistachio - 1 db. tanacetum - 3 db. ribbon satin - 1 db. wrapping purple - 1 db.
- Szélesség - 30 cm
- Magasság - 55 cm
Illuminate any occasion with our bouquet. This vibrant arrangement combines the regal elegance of irises, the cheerful warmth of sunflowers, and the delicate charm of tanacetum. The bold colors and varied textures come together to create a lively, joyful display that captures the essence of sunshine and happiness. Perfect for celebrating special moments or brightening someones day, this bouquet arrives beautifully arranged and ready to make an impression.
4895 értékelés • 4388 vásárlások
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