Erre a termékre már más is rákeresett
My Sweetie is a stunning bouquet that combines the elegance of pink spray roses. Each spray rose is carefully wrapped with a feminine pink wrapper, adding a touch of sophistication. The bouquet is then finished with a beautiful ribbon, representing harmony and inner peace. This bouquet is the perfect gift to show someone that they are sweethearts in your life.
A rendelkezésre állás megerősítve ma
Flowers bouquet
- és kiderítjük a szállítási költségeket
- Ön kapni fog 11.67 Bónusz
pink spray rose - 30 db.
- Szélesség - 20 cm
- Magasság - 30 cm
Kenya, Kenya
Gyártó ország
My Sweetie is a stunning bouquet that combines the elegance of pink spray roses. Each spray rose is carefully wrapped with a feminine pink wrapper, adding a touch of sophistication. The bouquet is then finished with a beautiful ribbon, representing harmony and inner peace. This bouquet is the perfect gift to show someone that they are sweethearts in your life.
94 értékelések • 72 megrendelések
Értékelések és visszajelzés
Október 2024
Szeptember 2024
Március 2024
Március 2024
Ezen a héten
this is the worst service you can imagine, they delivered flowers to the wrong address so I didn’t receive it, the order based on the photo was radically different from what was in the catalogue, plus they respond once an hour in chat. I don't recommend it to anyone
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