This bouquet embodies a perfect balance of elegance and charm, making it an ideal choice for any special occasion. The peach peony rose, with its lavish, ruffled petals, symbolizes grace, elegance, and heartfelt admiration. Paired with the pristine white chrysanthemum, which represents purity and longevity, this bouquet creates a stunning visual harmony that is both captivating and serene. Whether youre celebrating a milestone, expressing gratitude, or simply adding a touch of beauty to your home, this bouquet is the perfect choice.
A termék átmenetileg nincs készleten
Chrysanthemum and Rose Bouquet-1875
- 6 személyeket hozzáadta a terméket a válogatásához
- Fellora Flower Boutique - Szuperüzlet. A szuperüzletek nagyszerű értékeléssel rendelkező üzletek, amelyek mindent megtesznek a minőségi szolgáltatásért.
Satin ribbon - 1 db. Eucalyptus - 3 db. packaging - 1 db. tissue paper - 3 db. white bush chrysanthemum - 4 db. peony spray rose juliet - 3 db.
- Szélesség - 30 cm
- Magasság - 40 cm
This bouquet embodies a perfect balance of elegance and charm, making it an ideal choice for any special occasion. The peach peony rose, with its lavish, ruffled petals, symbolizes grace, elegance, and heartfelt admiration. Paired with the pristine white chrysanthemum, which represents purity and longevity, this bouquet creates a stunning visual harmony that is both captivating and serene. Whether youre celebrating a milestone, expressing gratitude, or simply adding a touch of beauty to your home, this bouquet is the perfect choice.
7021 ertékelés • 6479 vásárlások
Értékelések és visszajelzés
AMAZING im in love with how the flowers turned out the quality is perfect 10/10
Maxim Masterenko
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