Illuminate any occasion with our vibrant Bright Harmony Bouquet, featuring a delightful mix of pristine white chrysanthemums, bold red gerberas, and sunny yellow gerberas. This eye-catching arrangement combines the purity and elegance of chrysanthemums with the cheerful, radiant hues of gerberas, creating a bouquet that exudes joy and warmth. Perfect for birthdays, celebrations, or simply to brighten someones day, this bouquet is expertly wrapped in stylish paper and tied with a coordinating ribbon. Make a lasting impression with this stunning blend of colors and blooms.
A termék átmenetileg nincs készleten
Bright Harmony Bouquet-1900
- 1 Ember hozzáadott termék a választékához
- Fellora Flower Boutique - Szuperüzlet. A szuperüzletek nagyszerű értékeléssel rendelkező üzletek, amelyek mindent megtesznek a minőségi szolgáltatásért.
Gerbera - 5 db. Wrapping - 1 db. white bush chrysanthemum - 3 db.
- Szélesség - 35 cm
- Magasság - 50 cm
Illuminate any occasion with our vibrant Bright Harmony Bouquet, featuring a delightful mix of pristine white chrysanthemums, bold red gerberas, and sunny yellow gerberas. This eye-catching arrangement combines the purity and elegance of chrysanthemums with the cheerful, radiant hues of gerberas, creating a bouquet that exudes joy and warmth. Perfect for birthdays, celebrations, or simply to brighten someones day, this bouquet is expertly wrapped in stylish paper and tied with a coordinating ribbon. Make a lasting impression with this stunning blend of colors and blooms.
7583 értékelések • 6945 vásárlások
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Ungureanu Anca Maria Elena
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