Indulge in the exquisite beauty of our Blushing Grandeur Bouquet, featuring a lavish arrangement of pink spray roses. Each bloom is a delicate masterpiece, showcasing soft pink petals that exude elegance and charm. This abundant bouquet is perfect for making a grand gesture, whether youre celebrating a special occasion or expressing your heartfelt sentiments. Expertly arranged and beautifully presented, the Blushing Grandeur Bouquet is a stunning display of affection and grace that will leave a lasting impression.
in_stock_confirmed 20 perc vissza
Blushing Grandeur Bouquet
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- 3 mans_2-4 added_product_to_collections
- neofront/you_will_get 79.9 5bonus
Satin ribbon - 1 db. Wrapping - 6 db. peony spray rose silva pink - 51 db.
- Szélesség - 45 cm
- Magasság - 45 cm
Indulge in the exquisite beauty of our Blushing Grandeur Bouquet, featuring a lavish arrangement of pink spray roses. Each bloom is a delicate masterpiece, showcasing soft pink petals that exude elegance and charm. This abundant bouquet is perfect for making a grand gesture, whether youre celebrating a special occasion or expressing your heartfelt sentiments. Expertly arranged and beautifully presented, the Blushing Grandeur Bouquet is a stunning display of affection and grace that will leave a lasting impression.
6506 reviews_3 • 6032 neofront/purchases2
Reviews_2 and reviews
Október 2024
Thank you, the birthday girl wrote to me, sent a video of flowers. The flowers are gorgeous, fresh! She is very happy. Excellent bouquet and balloons. Thank you!
Ezen a héten
Nice Thank
Január 2025
Im so glad i used this shop, the entire process of placing an order to delivery was seamless despite not even being in the continent. Lovely!
Január 2025
Отличный магазин, фото соответствует реальности, спасибо! Букет очень понравился!