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Indulge in the exquisite beauty of our Blushing Grandeur Bouquet, featuring a lavish arrangement of pink spray roses. Each bloom is a delicate masterpiece, showcasing soft pink petals that exude elegance and charm. This abundant bouquet is perfect for making a grand gesture, whether youre celebrating a special occasion or expressing your heartfelt sentiments. Expertly arranged and beautifully presented, the Blushing Grandeur Bouquet is a stunning display of affection and grace that will leave a lasting impression.
A rendelkezésre állás megerősítve 5 perc vissza
Blushing Grandeur Bouquet
- és kiderítjük a szállítási költségeket
- 2 személyek hozzáadta a terméket a válogatásához
- Ön kapni fog 79.9 Bónusz
Satin ribbon - 1 db. Wrapping - 6 db. peony spray rose silva pink - 51 db.
- Szélesség - 45 cm
- Magasság - 45 cm
Indulge in the exquisite beauty of our Blushing Grandeur Bouquet, featuring a lavish arrangement of pink spray roses. Each bloom is a delicate masterpiece, showcasing soft pink petals that exude elegance and charm. This abundant bouquet is perfect for making a grand gesture, whether youre celebrating a special occasion or expressing your heartfelt sentiments. Expertly arranged and beautifully presented, the Blushing Grandeur Bouquet is a stunning display of affection and grace that will leave a lasting impression.
4203 értékelések • 3752 megrendelések
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Amazing service ! Outstanding
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