It's a Choclate cake. With moist&fluffy cake. It's filled with peanut butter, peanut crush, snickers Choclate in each layer to become rich & crunchiness in each bites.Choclate ganashe as a drip&blueberry, choclate used to decorate the cake to make beautiful. Its a mother day special to gift all your loving mothers
A rendelkezésre állás megerősítve 95 perc vissza
Snickers cake for mothers day special
- és kiderítjük a szállítási költségeket
- 4 személyek hozzáadta a terméket a válogatásához
Snickers cake with blueberry & Choclates as topping
- Szélesség - 7 hüvelyk
- Magasság - 5 hüvelyk
1000 g
It's a Choclate cake. With moist&fluffy cake. It's filled with peanut butter, peanut crush, snickers Choclate in each layer to become rich & crunchiness in each bites.Choclate ganashe as a drip&blueberry, choclate used to decorate the cake to make beautiful. Its a mother day special to gift all your loving mothers
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