Produits en lien avec cet article
Dieffenbachia is a genus of tropical perennials with several species that are commonly grown as houseplants. They feature pointed, ovate leaves in a variety of combinations of green, cream, and white colors. A large, well-grown dieffenbachia can reach 10 feet, with leaves 20 inches long. However, the plants will rarely reach this size in typical indoor conditions, where 3 to 5 feet is more common.
Recommandations d'entretien
When plants are in water, make sure to replace the water once on every 2 or 4 weeks.
Disponibilité confirmée aujourd'hui
Indoor plant
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- 2 personnes ont ajouté le produit dans leurs sélections
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Plante est déjà repiquée. Pas besoin de replanter après l'achat
Périodicité de l'arrosage
1 fois en mois
- Largeur - 15 cm
- Hauteur - 35 cm
Dieffenbachia is a genus of tropical perennials with several species that are commonly grown as houseplants. They feature pointed, ovate leaves in a variety of combinations of green, cream, and white colors. A large, well-grown dieffenbachia can reach 10 feet, with leaves 20 inches long. However, the plants will rarely reach this size in typical indoor conditions, where 3 to 5 feet is more common.
Recommandations d'entretien
When plants are in water, make sure to replace the water once on every 2 or 4 weeks.
132 notes • 109 achats
Notes et commentaires
Décembre 2024
Букет соответствует фото, даже лучше. Доставка своевременно. Все понравилось! Спасибо!
Octobre 2024
Octobre 2024
Juillet 2024
Juin 2024
great flowers! Thank you very much, I am very pleased with the bouquet.
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