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DESCRIPTION “Desert Rose” Adeniums are succulent, tropical plants. They are distinctive among the class because they develop a caudex or swollen trunk. It has a natural resemblance to a bonsai plant, with a short stature when mature, and a tidy canopy perched atop the graduated stem. It comes in two variants single flower and double flower. They love the outdoors!
Recommandations d'entretien
The desert rose flowering plant grows well in desert settings and will bloom beautifully with full, bright sun. They can also do well with bright morning sun or bright afternoon sun but may not flower as heavy. If kept in the shade, these plants become leggy and weak-stemmed. Even though bright sun stimulates blossom production, the Desert Rose takes a break during the very hottest and rainiest months of the growing season. This results in two periods of blooming. You’ll see flowers begin to develop in early spring. With the right amount of light, your plant should bloom steadily until mid-summer.
Desart rose
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Périodicité de l'arrosage
4 fois en semaine
- Largeur - 35 cm
- Hauteur - 60 cm
DESCRIPTION “Desert Rose” Adeniums are succulent, tropical plants. They are distinctive among the class because they develop a caudex or swollen trunk. It has a natural resemblance to a bonsai plant, with a short stature when mature, and a tidy canopy perched atop the graduated stem. It comes in two variants single flower and double flower. They love the outdoors!
Recommandations d'entretien
The desert rose flowering plant grows well in desert settings and will bloom beautifully with full, bright sun. They can also do well with bright morning sun or bright afternoon sun but may not flower as heavy. If kept in the shade, these plants become leggy and weak-stemmed. Even though bright sun stimulates blossom production, the Desert Rose takes a break during the very hottest and rainiest months of the growing season. This results in two periods of blooming. You’ll see flowers begin to develop in early spring. With the right amount of light, your plant should bloom steadily until mid-summer.
145 notes • 109 achats
Notes et commentaires
Cette semaine
Шикарные цветы! Очень довольна качеством обслуживания!
Cette semaine
Mars 2025
Отличная корзина цветов. Точь в точь. Спасибо!!!
Rachel Arif
Février 2025
Lovely plants and courteous, helpful delivery drivers. Thank you!
Janvier 2025
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