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The Sago Palm, also known as Cycas Revoluta, is a popular ornamental plant that belongs to the Cycad family. It is a slow-growing plant that can reach a height of 60cm to 1.2m, with a spread of up to 1.5m. The plant has a stout trunk that is covered with rough, brown bark and topped with a crown of feathery, dark green leaves that can grow up to 1.5m in length. The Sago Palm is a hardy plant that can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions, including full sun to partial shade and a variety of soil types. It is also drought-tolerant and can survive for long periods without water. However, it is important to note that the plant is toxic to pets and humans if ingested, so it should be kept out of reach of children and animals. The Sago Palm is a popular choice for landscaping and is often used as a focal poin
Recommandations d'entretien
This indoor sago palm could perform well when kept in somewhere, where it could get bright light with some direct sunlight too. Turn pot a quarter gradually at least once a week, especially during the growing season. Otherwise, it will lean toward the light source. While watering them carefully water their soil, not the crown of the plant which could lead to crown rot and may kill the plant. Water soil thoroughly with proper drainage, make sure soil must not dry out completely. The soil on which they are supposed to be planted must be a potting mix of 2 parts of peat-moss and 1-part of sharp sand or perlite or Cactus mix
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Périodicité de l'arrosage
3 fois en semaine
- Largeur - 45 cm
- Hauteur - 65 cm
The Sago Palm, also known as Cycas Revoluta, is a popular ornamental plant that belongs to the Cycad family. It is a slow-growing plant that can reach a height of 60cm to 1.2m, with a spread of up to 1.5m. The plant has a stout trunk that is covered with rough, brown bark and topped with a crown of feathery, dark green leaves that can grow up to 1.5m in length. The Sago Palm is a hardy plant that can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions, including full sun to partial shade and a variety of soil types. It is also drought-tolerant and can survive for long periods without water. However, it is important to note that the plant is toxic to pets and humans if ingested, so it should be kept out of reach of children and animals. The Sago Palm is a popular choice for landscaping and is often used as a focal poin
Recommandations d'entretien
This indoor sago palm could perform well when kept in somewhere, where it could get bright light with some direct sunlight too. Turn pot a quarter gradually at least once a week, especially during the growing season. Otherwise, it will lean toward the light source. While watering them carefully water their soil, not the crown of the plant which could lead to crown rot and may kill the plant. Water soil thoroughly with proper drainage, make sure soil must not dry out completely. The soil on which they are supposed to be planted must be a potting mix of 2 parts of peat-moss and 1-part of sharp sand or perlite or Cactus mix
145 notes • 109 achats
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Cette semaine
Шикарные цветы! Очень довольна качеством обслуживания!
Cette semaine
Mars 2025
Отличная корзина цветов. Точь в точь. Спасибо!!!
Rachel Arif
Février 2025
Lovely plants and courteous, helpful delivery drivers. Thank you!
Janvier 2025
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