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Product Details: Plant Name - Aloe Vera Plant Type - Succulent Plant Placement - Indoor Decoration - Stones and Soil Square Glass Vase - 12 x 12 cm Mini Plantpedia: Aloe Vera is a multipurpose plant that gives many health and skin benefits. It is also found in many skin lotions,cosmetics and ointments. Aloe Vera originates from the Arabian Peninsula but grows wild in tropical climates around the world.
Aloe Vera Plant in Square Glass Vase
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- Buy Any Flowers Abu Dhabi - Supermagasin. Les SuperMagasins sont des magasins avec de bonnes critiques qui font tout pour un service de haute qualité.
Périodicité de l'arrosage
7 fois en mois
- Largeur - 10 cm
- Hauteur - 10 cm
Product Details: Plant Name - Aloe Vera Plant Type - Succulent Plant Placement - Indoor Decoration - Stones and Soil Square Glass Vase - 12 x 12 cm Mini Plantpedia: Aloe Vera is a multipurpose plant that gives many health and skin benefits. It is also found in many skin lotions,cosmetics and ointments. Aloe Vera originates from the Arabian Peninsula but grows wild in tropical climates around the world.
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Cette semaine
Cette semaine
Price quite expensive
Mars 2025
Mars 2025
Edgar Kazarov
Mars 2025
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