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This beautiful Florists Special bouquet combines the graceful elegance of 1 purple hydrangea, sensory delight of 6 Hermosa roses, and the classic love symbol of 3 Juliet roses. Accentuated with 3 exotic Deco Purple and 3 plush purple carnations, this arrangement creates a display thats a powerful symbol of gratitude and admiration. The bouquet is beautifully complemented by the soft, green hue of 4 Pistachio leaves and 3 delicate Eucalyptus stems, lending a touch of freshness to this lavish creation. A captivating assortment thats perfect for any occasion.
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- Flove - Supermagasin. Les SuperMagasins sont des magasins avec de bonnes critiques qui font tout pour un service de haute qualité.
Eucalyptus - 3 pce carnation purple - 3 pce juliet rose - 3 pce hermosa роза - 6 pce hydrangea purple - 1 pce pistachio leaves - 4 pce deco purple - 3 pce
- Largeur - 50 cm
- Hauteur - 60 cm
This beautiful Florists Special bouquet combines the graceful elegance of 1 purple hydrangea, sensory delight of 6 Hermosa roses, and the classic love symbol of 3 Juliet roses. Accentuated with 3 exotic Deco Purple and 3 plush purple carnations, this arrangement creates a display thats a powerful symbol of gratitude and admiration. The bouquet is beautifully complemented by the soft, green hue of 4 Pistachio leaves and 3 delicate Eucalyptus stems, lending a touch of freshness to this lavish creation. A captivating assortment thats perfect for any occasion.
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Décembre 2024
Décembre 2024
Novembre 2024
Everything great!
Novembre 2024
Octobre 2024
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