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Embrace the vibrant essence of summer with our Summer Hue bouquet, featuring a delightful blend of fresh orange and yellow spray roses and roses, accented with lush greenery. This bouquet brings the warmth and brightness of the season to any occasion, whether its a summer celebration, a heartfelt gesture, or simply to add a pop of color to your space. Handcrafted with care, each bloom is selected for its freshness and beauty, ensuring a stunning display that captures the essence of summertime.
Summer Hue Bouquet: Fresh Mix of Orange and Yellow Spray Roses and Roses with Greeneries
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- Aster Flower Trading - Supermagasin. Les SuperMagasins sont des magasins avec de bonnes critiques qui font tout pour un service de haute qualité.
orange roses - 15 pce pink roses - 15 pce white roses - 5 pce yellow roses - 15 pce
- Largeur - 35 cm
- Hauteur - 30 cm
Embrace the vibrant essence of summer with our Summer Hue bouquet, featuring a delightful blend of fresh orange and yellow spray roses and roses, accented with lush greenery. This bouquet brings the warmth and brightness of the season to any occasion, whether its a summer celebration, a heartfelt gesture, or simply to add a pop of color to your space. Handcrafted with care, each bloom is selected for its freshness and beauty, ensuring a stunning display that captures the essence of summertime.
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Octobre 2024
Cette semaine
All is perfect
Décembre 2024
Décembre 2024
Novembre 2024
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