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Indulge in a symphony of soft hues and delicate blooms with our Pink, Peach, and Off-White Spray Roses bouquet. This exquisite arrangement features a fusion of pastel tones, with five stems each of charming pink, peach, and off-white spray roses. Each bloom exudes a gentle elegance, creating a captivating ensemble that radiates grace and refinement. Whether as a token of affection or a gesture of appreciation, this bouquet brings a touch of timeless beauty to any setting, enchanting hearts with its subtle allure.
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Spray rose beauty
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- FlowerBouquets - Supermagasin. Les SuperMagasins sont des magasins avec de bonnes critiques qui font tout pour un service de haute qualité.
pink spray rose - 10 pce peach spray rose - 10 pce off white spray rose - 10 pce
- Largeur - 40 cm
- Hauteur - 45 cm
Indulge in a symphony of soft hues and delicate blooms with our Pink, Peach, and Off-White Spray Roses bouquet. This exquisite arrangement features a fusion of pastel tones, with five stems each of charming pink, peach, and off-white spray roses. Each bloom exudes a gentle elegance, creating a captivating ensemble that radiates grace and refinement. Whether as a token of affection or a gesture of appreciation, this bouquet brings a touch of timeless beauty to any setting, enchanting hearts with its subtle allure.
299 notes • 209 achats
Notes et commentaires
Octobre 2024
Bouquet is amazing. Thank you!
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