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Delight in the simplicity and elegance of our florists special arrangement featuring five stunning white lisianthus and four precious pink baby roses. This carefully curated bouquet, beautifully wrapped in five pieces of high-quality paper, is a true epitome of grace and beauty. Our luxurious bouquet, speaking the language of love and admiration, is the perfect gift for any occasion.
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Senorita Bouquet
- , et nous connaîtrons les frais de livraison
- Recevez 8.67 Bonus
paper - 5 pce white lisianthus - 5 pce baby rose pink - 4 pce
- Largeur - 45 cm
- Hauteur - 55 cm
Delight in the simplicity and elegance of our florists special arrangement featuring five stunning white lisianthus and four precious pink baby roses. This carefully curated bouquet, beautifully wrapped in five pieces of high-quality paper, is a true epitome of grace and beauty. Our luxurious bouquet, speaking the language of love and admiration, is the perfect gift for any occasion.
56 notes • 65 achats
Notes et commentaires
Décembre 2024
Novembre 2024
свежее и красивое растение
Novembre 2024
Ребята работаю очень круто ! Попросил курьера по пути купить колы , он без проблем заехал купил ! Я очень доволен сервисом и цветами! Спасибо !
Novembre 2024
Thank you so much! It was great experience
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