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Fresh and fragrant, this bouquet of flowers is the perfect gift for any occasion. A stunning arrangement of roses, lilies, and daisies come together in perfect harmony, creating a symphony of colors and textures that is sure to delight the senses. Each flower is carefully hand-selected and arranged by our expert florists, ensuring that every bouquet is a work of art. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or just want to brighten someone's day, this exquisite bouquet is guaranteed to make a lasting impression.
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Red rose bouquet
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- 9 personnes ont ajouté le produit dans leurs sélections
- Recevez 11.4 Bonus
Red rose - 40 pce
- Largeur - 30 cm
- Hauteur - 50 cm
Fresh and fragrant, this bouquet of flowers is the perfect gift for any occasion. A stunning arrangement of roses, lilies, and daisies come together in perfect harmony, creating a symphony of colors and textures that is sure to delight the senses. Each flower is carefully hand-selected and arranged by our expert florists, ensuring that every bouquet is a work of art. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or just want to brighten someone's day, this exquisite bouquet is guaranteed to make a lasting impression.
132 notes • 109 achats
Notes et commentaires
Décembre 2024
Букет соответствует фото, даже лучше. Доставка своевременно. Все понравилось! Спасибо!
Octobre 2024
Octobre 2024
Juillet 2024
Juin 2024
great flowers! Thank you very much, I am very pleased with the bouquet.
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