Embrace the timeless charm of our 45 Fresh Red Rose Bouquet, crafted with the finest, freshly picked roses that radiate love and passion. Each rose is selected for its vibrant red color and soft, velvety petals, ensuring freshness that lasts. Perfect for anniversaries, romantic moments, or bold expressions of affection, this bouquet is a symbol of heartfelt emotions. Expertly arranged by our professional florists, these roses will create unforgettable memories. Bouquet Features: Number of Roses: 45 freshly picked red roses Freshness Guaranteed: Handpicked for maximum freshness and beauty Occasions: Ideal for anniversaries, proposals, romantic gestures, or celebrating special milestones Arrangement: Handcrafted by skilled florists to showcase the natural elegance of fresh roses Packaging: Wrapped in stylish, elegant materials that enhance the bouquet’s freshness
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Red Rose Bouquet
- 2 personnes ont ajouté le produit dans leurs sélections
rose - 45 pce
- Largeur - 45 cm
- Hauteur - 50 cm
Uplifting floral studio, Emirats Arabes Unis
Pays de fabrication
Emirats Arabes Unis
Embrace the timeless charm of our 45 Fresh Red Rose Bouquet, crafted with the finest, freshly picked roses that radiate love and passion. Each rose is selected for its vibrant red color and soft, velvety petals, ensuring freshness that lasts. Perfect for anniversaries, romantic moments, or bold expressions of affection, this bouquet is a symbol of heartfelt emotions. Expertly arranged by our professional florists, these roses will create unforgettable memories. Bouquet Features: Number of Roses: 45 freshly picked red roses Freshness Guaranteed: Handpicked for maximum freshness and beauty Occasions: Ideal for anniversaries, proposals, romantic gestures, or celebrating special milestones Arrangement: Handcrafted by skilled florists to showcase the natural elegance of fresh roses Packaging: Wrapped in stylish, elegant materials that enhance the bouquet’s freshness
18 notes • 50 achats
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Janvier 2025
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