Sweep your loved ones off their feet with our stunning Mono Bouquets. Each bouquet breathes beauty, passionately crafted with 101 illustrious pink revival roses, an emblem of eternal love. The captivating hues of pink are beautifully complemented with an elegant white meta cover, artistically wrapped around each bouquet in 8 places. To give a perfect finishing touch, each bouquet is adorned with a charming pink ribbon. These magnificent bouquets are bound to add a magical touch to any heartfelt occasion, making it an unforgettable experience.
Ce produit est temporairement indisponible
Pink revival
Pink ribbon - 1 pce pink revival rose - 101 pce white meta cover - 8 pce
- Largeur - 60 cm
- Hauteur - 50 cm
Pays de fabrication
Emirats Arabes Unis
Sweep your loved ones off their feet with our stunning Mono Bouquets. Each bouquet breathes beauty, passionately crafted with 101 illustrious pink revival roses, an emblem of eternal love. The captivating hues of pink are beautifully complemented with an elegant white meta cover, artistically wrapped around each bouquet in 8 places. To give a perfect finishing touch, each bouquet is adorned with a charming pink ribbon. These magnificent bouquets are bound to add a magical touch to any heartfelt occasion, making it an unforgettable experience.
Notes et commentaires
Janvier 2025
Anton Opryshko
Décembre 2024
Décembre 2024
Молодцы это было хорошо изумительно
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