Produits en lien avec cet article
Asiatic lilies are grown for their nearly flawless, brilliantly colored flowers that can be up to 6 inches in diameter. Lilies are said to be one of the top ten flowers in the world, which means they’re a popular choice for bouquets and
Pink lily bouquet
- , et nous connaîtrons les frais de livraison
- 1 personne a ajouté le produit dans sa sélection
- Recevez 16.2 Bonus
Limonium - 10 pce lily pink - 11 pce
- Largeur - 35 cm
- Hauteur - 55 cm
Asiatic lilies are grown for their nearly flawless, brilliantly colored flowers that can be up to 6 inches in diameter. Lilies are said to be one of the top ten flowers in the world, which means they’re a popular choice for bouquets and
94 notes • 69 achats
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Octobre 2024
Septembre 2024
Mars 2024
Mars 2024
Février 2024
this is the worst service you can imagine, they delivered flowers to the wrong address so I didn’t receive it, the order based on the photo was radically different from what was in the catalogue, plus they respond once an hour in chat. I don't recommend it to anyone
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