Treat your special someone to the gorgeous Pink Gerbera Oasis. This bouquet mix features pink gerbera daisies, spray roses, and lush greenery to create a stunning floral arrangement. Let our beautiful pink oasis make your loved one's day even brighter. Size and Flowers Height: 55 Cm Width: 50 cm Flowers: Gerbera, Spray Roses, Eucalyptus, Eryngium, and Greenery
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Pink Gerbera Oasis
- 1 personne a ajouté le produit dans sa sélection
- Flowers' Square - Supermagasin. Les SuperMagasins sont des magasins avec de bonnes critiques qui font tout pour un service de haute qualité.
Eucalyptus - 5 pce Greenery - 3 pce Spray rose - 3 pce Gerbera - 6 pce eryngium - 3 pce
- Largeur - 50 cm
- Hauteur - 55 cm
Treat your special someone to the gorgeous Pink Gerbera Oasis. This bouquet mix features pink gerbera daisies, spray roses, and lush greenery to create a stunning floral arrangement. Let our beautiful pink oasis make your loved one's day even brighter. Size and Flowers Height: 55 Cm Width: 50 cm Flowers: Gerbera, Spray Roses, Eucalyptus, Eryngium, and Greenery
166 notes • 128 achats
Notes et commentaires
Cette semaine
The flowers are absolutely breathtaking, exactly like the pictures. The customer service is nothing short of exceptional. From the moment you place your order to the final delivery, every detail is handled with the utmost care. The team is not only professional but also genuinely passionate about creating a flawless experience. They go above and beyond to ensure that every arrangement is crafted to perfection and every request is met with kindness and efficiency. If you ever need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to them here or via WhatsApp. They are truly dedicated to making your experience seamless, stress-free, and unforgettable.
Février 2025
Février 2025
Great Team!
Février 2025
Février 2025
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