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Celebrate the spirit of national pride with our National Day Special Bouquet. This vibrant arrangement features 5 striking red roses and 3 elegant white roses, symbolizing strength and purity, respectively. The bouquet is beautifully complemented by 10 green buttons, adding a fresh and lively touch. Perfect for any national celebration or to express your patriotic spirit! Features: Red Roses: 5 fresh red roses representing courage and love. White Roses: 3 pristine white roses symbolizing purity and peace. Green Buttons: 10 vibrant green button flowers for a lively and cheerful touch.
National Day Special Bouquet
- , et nous connaîtrons les frais de livraison
- Recevez 5.4 Bonus
Red rose - 5 pce White rose - 3 pce green button - 10 pce
- Largeur - 45 cm
- Hauteur - 55 cm
Celebrate the spirit of national pride with our National Day Special Bouquet. This vibrant arrangement features 5 striking red roses and 3 elegant white roses, symbolizing strength and purity, respectively. The bouquet is beautifully complemented by 10 green buttons, adding a fresh and lively touch. Perfect for any national celebration or to express your patriotic spirit! Features: Red Roses: 5 fresh red roses representing courage and love. White Roses: 3 pristine white roses symbolizing purity and peace. Green Buttons: 10 vibrant green button flowers for a lively and cheerful touch.
Notes et commentaires
Novembre 2024
This is my 1st time ordering from Zuhur Arabia. Thank you for delivering the flowers on time. The flowers were fresh, beautifully arranged, and arrived in perfect condition😍. The price is very reasonable. I highly recommend their service.
Novembre 2024
"Great experience with Zuhur Arabia! Flowers arrived on time, fresh, and beautifully arranged. Highly recommend!"
Mars 2021 • Avis sur google maps
Amazing services and varieties available Would highly recommend to visit and explore!! Keep up the great work!!
Octobre 2024 • Avis sur google maps
Best experience .
Mars 2021 • Avis sur google maps
Bouquets are really good & perfect combo gift packs as well!
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