A lovely bouquet featuring 8 pink carnations and 6 stems of pink spray roses, beautifully arranged to brighten Mothers Day.
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Mother s day Roses and Carnation Bouquet
- 1 personne a ajouté le produit dans sa sélection
pink carnations - 8 pce stems of pink spray roses - 6 pce
- Largeur - 20 cm
- Hauteur - 30 cm
A lovely bouquet featuring 8 pink carnations and 6 stems of pink spray roses, beautifully arranged to brighten Mothers Day.
1700 notes • 1260 achats
Notes et commentaires
Tatiana Veselovskaya
Mars 2025
In short the order was placed at 11am, delivery was set for 4pm, driver contacted me at 2pm letting me know delivery will be at 6pm instead, I followed up at 7 only to be told delivery again was pushed back to 11pm!! I called the store and my calls were ignored and there was no follow up on their end! Overall it was ridiculous and a horrible experience!
Mars 2025
Mars 2025
Mars 2025
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