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Though yellow roses are traditionally considered to symbolise friendship, the cheerful tones in this bouquet make it the perfect gift for any occasion. Our Lime Zest floral bouquet is uniquely arranged for you, our local florists will select the finest yellow roses, spray roses and solidago to create a stunning scented gift. Delivered in a bright and beautiful rainbow wrap for instant impact.
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Lime Zest Bouquet
- , et nous connaîtrons les frais de livraison
- Recevez 20 Bonus
Ruscus - 10 pce solidago yellow - 5 pce roses - 10 pce spray roses - 5 pce
- Largeur - 40 cm
- Hauteur - 60 cm
Though yellow roses are traditionally considered to symbolise friendship, the cheerful tones in this bouquet make it the perfect gift for any occasion. Our Lime Zest floral bouquet is uniquely arranged for you, our local florists will select the finest yellow roses, spray roses and solidago to create a stunning scented gift. Delivered in a bright and beautiful rainbow wrap for instant impact.
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Janvier 2025
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Janvier 2025
Novembre 2024
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