A lily bouquet is a stunning arrangement of lilies, known for their elegant and fragrant blooms. These bouquets often feature a variety of lily types, such as Asiatic lilies, Oriental lilies, or hybrid lilies, in different colors like white, pink, yellow, or orange. Lilies symbolize purity, beauty, and renewal, making them a popular choice for various occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, or as a heartfelt gift to convey emotions like love, admiration, or sympathy
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Lily bouquet
purple rose - 10 pce lily pink - 5 pce lemonioum - 7 pce
- Largeur - 20 cm
- Hauteur - 50 cm
A lily bouquet is a stunning arrangement of lilies, known for their elegant and fragrant blooms. These bouquets often feature a variety of lily types, such as Asiatic lilies, Oriental lilies, or hybrid lilies, in different colors like white, pink, yellow, or orange. Lilies symbolize purity, beauty, and renewal, making them a popular choice for various occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, or as a heartfelt gift to convey emotions like love, admiration, or sympathy
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Décembre 2024
Букет соответствует фото, даже лучше. Доставка своевременно. Все понравилось! Спасибо!
Octobre 2024
Octobre 2024
Juillet 2024
Juin 2024
great flowers! Thank you very much, I am very pleased with the bouquet.
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