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Immerse yourself in the calming beauty of our bouquet, featuring a stunning combination of sky-blue hydrangea, crisp white gerberas, and delicate white carnations. Accented with airy sprigs of babys breath, this bouquet captures the essence of tranquility and grace. The soft blue and white tones create a soothing and elegant arrangement, perfect for conveying peace, admiration, or love on any special occasion. This bouquet’s serene color palette and harmonious design make it a timeless and memorable gift.
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Hydrangea, Gerbera and Carnation Bouquet
- , et nous connaîtrons les frais de livraison
- Recevez 4.46 Bonus
Hydrangea - 1 pce Gypsophila - 1 pce Pistachio - 3 pce dianthus - 3 pce gerbera mini - 3 pce design packaging - 1 pce
- Largeur - 25 cm
- Hauteur - 40 cm
Classic flowers, Emirats Arabes Unis
Pays de fabrication
Emirats Arabes Unis
Immerse yourself in the calming beauty of our bouquet, featuring a stunning combination of sky-blue hydrangea, crisp white gerberas, and delicate white carnations. Accented with airy sprigs of babys breath, this bouquet captures the essence of tranquility and grace. The soft blue and white tones create a soothing and elegant arrangement, perfect for conveying peace, admiration, or love on any special occasion. This bouquet’s serene color palette and harmonious design make it a timeless and memorable gift.
Notes et commentaires
Novembre 2024
Ryzhiy kotik
Octobre 2024
Не такой эффектный в жизни, как на фото. В целом все в порядке, фото до отправки достоверное.
Octobre 2024
Shihana Nachiya
Octobre 2024
Octobre 2024
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