Do you want to surprise your loved one with a bouquet of flowers? Do you want their eyes to shine with happiness? Fragrant bouquet of roses - that's exactly what you need! Your loved one will be delighted! Fancy bouquet of flowers will be the best gift for a birthday, date, as an apology, or just for no reason to cheer up your loved one with white roses.
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accessory - 4 pce marble vase - 1 pce arrangement of white rose - 30 pce
- Largeur - 30 cm
- Hauteur - 40 cm
Do you want to surprise your loved one with a bouquet of flowers? Do you want their eyes to shine with happiness? Fragrant bouquet of roses - that's exactly what you need! Your loved one will be delighted! Fancy bouquet of flowers will be the best gift for a birthday, date, as an apology, or just for no reason to cheer up your loved one with white roses.
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