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Golden Radiance Bouquet is a burst of sunshine captured in a bouquet. Featuring bold sunflowers, bright yellow roses, and orange-edged blooms, this bouquet is an expression of happiness and vitality. Wrapped in an artistic newspaper-style paper and finished with a golden ribbon, its perfect for celebrating joyful moments or brightening someones day with radiant charm.
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Golden Radiance Bouquet
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- 1 personne a ajouté le produit dans sa sélection
- Recevez 5.67 Bonus
Sunflower - 6 pce yellow garden type rose - 9 pce
- Largeur - 38 cm
- Hauteur - 45 cm
Golden Radiance Bouquet is a burst of sunshine captured in a bouquet. Featuring bold sunflowers, bright yellow roses, and orange-edged blooms, this bouquet is an expression of happiness and vitality. Wrapped in an artistic newspaper-style paper and finished with a golden ribbon, its perfect for celebrating joyful moments or brightening someones day with radiant charm.
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