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Embrace the essence of spring with our Elegant Spring Symphony Bouquet. This round arrangement in a glass vase features a harmonious blend of delicate blooms. With 15 stems of pink carnations, 6 open lilies, 10 stems of light pink baby roses, 7 pink roses, 7 white roses, and 3 stems of white eustomas, this arrangement exudes elegance and charm. Each bloom is carefully selected to create a symphony of colors and fragrances. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet is sure to bring joy and beauty to your recipients day.
" Elegant Spring Symphony Bouquet"
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- Recevez 50.06 Bonus
Pink rose - 7 pce White rose - 7 pce pink carnations - 15 pce light pink baby roses - 10 pce buds of bloomed pink lilies - 6 pce white eustomas - 3 pce
- Largeur - 35 cm
- Hauteur - 45 cm
Embrace the essence of spring with our Elegant Spring Symphony Bouquet. This round arrangement in a glass vase features a harmonious blend of delicate blooms. With 15 stems of pink carnations, 6 open lilies, 10 stems of light pink baby roses, 7 pink roses, 7 white roses, and 3 stems of white eustomas, this arrangement exudes elegance and charm. Each bloom is carefully selected to create a symphony of colors and fragrances. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet is sure to bring joy and beauty to your recipients day.
82 notes • 56 achats
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Décembre 2024
Novembre 2024
Букет шикарный!
Novembre 2024
Novembre 2024
Great work! Fast processing and delivery. Great communication, highly recommended!
Octobre 2024
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