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A breathtaking display of passion and luxury, this bouquet features an abundance of velvety red roses arranged meticulously to create a striking impact. Wrapped in sophisticated black paper with an elegant black ribbon, it radiates timeless charm and opulence. Perfect for grand gestures, romantic celebrations, or moments when only the most dramatic expression of love will suffice. Crimson Grandeur embodies elegance, intensity, and unforgettable beauty.
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Crimson Grandeur
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- Recevez 75 Bonus
red roses - 100 pce
- Largeur - 60 cm
- Hauteur - 60 cm
A breathtaking display of passion and luxury, this bouquet features an abundance of velvety red roses arranged meticulously to create a striking impact. Wrapped in sophisticated black paper with an elegant black ribbon, it radiates timeless charm and opulence. Perfect for grand gestures, romantic celebrations, or moments when only the most dramatic expression of love will suffice. Crimson Grandeur embodies elegance, intensity, and unforgettable beauty.
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Décembre 2024
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