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Add a touch of charm with Cotton Candy Blush, featuring 10 pristine white roses and 10 soft pink roses, beautifully arranged with a fresh bunch of seasonal greens. This elegant bouquet combines the delicate hues of white and pink roses with the vibrant freshness of seasonal greens, creating a sweet and sophisticated display perfect for any occasion. Flower Care Tips: Dust the roses and greens regularly to maintain their fresh appearance. Keep out of direct sunlight to prevent fading. Adjust the arrangement as needed to ensure it remains balanced and full. Keywords: Cotton Candy Blush, white roses, pink roses, seasonal greens, floral arrangement, elegant bouquet, artificial roses, indoor décor, home décor, office décor, charming display, low maintenance flowers, decorative roses
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Cotton Candy Blush: 10 White Roses 10 Pink Roses with Seasonal Greens
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- Recevez 5.4 Bonus
pink roses - 10 pce white roses - 10 pce seasonal green bunch - 1 pce
- Largeur - 30 cm
- Hauteur - 45 cm
Al zahra fresh flowers
Add a touch of charm with Cotton Candy Blush, featuring 10 pristine white roses and 10 soft pink roses, beautifully arranged with a fresh bunch of seasonal greens. This elegant bouquet combines the delicate hues of white and pink roses with the vibrant freshness of seasonal greens, creating a sweet and sophisticated display perfect for any occasion. Flower Care Tips: Dust the roses and greens regularly to maintain their fresh appearance. Keep out of direct sunlight to prevent fading. Adjust the arrangement as needed to ensure it remains balanced and full. Keywords: Cotton Candy Blush, white roses, pink roses, seasonal greens, floral arrangement, elegant bouquet, artificial roses, indoor décor, home décor, office décor, charming display, low maintenance flowers, decorative roses
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