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Express your affection with the Blushing Elegance Bouquet, a stunning arrangement of white lisianthus, soft pink roses, and white accents wrapped in delicate pink fabric. This bouquet captures the essence of romance and grace, making it perfect for any special occasion or as a gift to convey love and admiration
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Blushing Elegance Bouquet
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- 1 personne a ajouté le produit dans sa sélection
- Recevez 5.84 Bonus
white hydrangea - 1 pce lisanthus - 5 pce pink roses - 8 pce
- Largeur - 45 cm
- Hauteur - 45 cm
Express your affection with the Blushing Elegance Bouquet, a stunning arrangement of white lisianthus, soft pink roses, and white accents wrapped in delicate pink fabric. This bouquet captures the essence of romance and grace, making it perfect for any special occasion or as a gift to convey love and admiration
112 notes • 76 achats
Notes et commentaires
Ben Smyth
Octobre 2024
Accepted payment, waited a hour and then. Cancelled my order
Cette semaine
Didn’t receive any contact from the shop and order didn’t arrive, was 3 hours past delivery time
Shapin aleksei
Novembre 2024
Juin 2024
Mai 2024
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