Experience the delicate charm of our Blushing Elegance bouquet, a stunning arrangement featuring soft pink Bombastic roses. Each rose is a masterpiece, with its gentle hues and lush petals evoking a sense of romance and grace. These exquisite blooms are perfect for expressing love and admiration or simply adding a touch of sophistication to any setting. Whether youre celebrating a special occasion or just want to brighten someones day, this bouquet is a timeless symbol of beauty and elegance, guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.
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Blushing Elegance-1887
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- Fellora Flower Boutique - Supermagasin. Les SuperMagasins sont des magasins avec de bonnes critiques qui font tout pour un service de haute qualité.
Pistachio - 2 pce packaging - 1 pce peony spray rose - 9 pce
- Largeur - 25 cm
- Hauteur - 40 cm
Experience the delicate charm of our Blushing Elegance bouquet, a stunning arrangement featuring soft pink Bombastic roses. Each rose is a masterpiece, with its gentle hues and lush petals evoking a sense of romance and grace. These exquisite blooms are perfect for expressing love and admiration or simply adding a touch of sophistication to any setting. Whether youre celebrating a special occasion or just want to brighten someones day, this bouquet is a timeless symbol of beauty and elegance, guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.
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Maxim Masterenko
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