Embrace the calming beauty of our Blue Serenity Bouquet, a stunning arrangement that blends the elegance of creamy white roses, the delicate charm of white alstroemerias, the fresh allure of eucalyptus, and the vibrant blue hues of hydrangeas. This bouquet is a harmonious symphony of colors and textures, exuding a sense of tranquility and grace. The lush white roses symbolize purity and timeless beauty, while the blue hydrangeas bring a touch of serenity and peace. The white alstroemerias add a hint of sophistication, and the eucalyptus leaves provide a refreshing, aromatic finish. Expertly arranged and wrapped in elegant white packaging, it’s a gift that speaks volumes of elegance and thoughtfulness.
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Blue Serenity Bouquet-1870
- 1 personne a ajouté le produit dans sa sélection
- Fellora Flower Boutique - Supermagasin. Les SuperMagasins sont des magasins avec de bonnes critiques qui font tout pour un service de haute qualité.
Satin ribbon - 1 pce Eucalyptus - 5 pce Hydrangea - 3 pce Alstroemeria - 5 pce design packaging - 6 pce single-headed peony rose - 9 pce dry ozothamnus - 3 pce
- Largeur - 35 cm
- Hauteur - 40 cm
Embrace the calming beauty of our Blue Serenity Bouquet, a stunning arrangement that blends the elegance of creamy white roses, the delicate charm of white alstroemerias, the fresh allure of eucalyptus, and the vibrant blue hues of hydrangeas. This bouquet is a harmonious symphony of colors and textures, exuding a sense of tranquility and grace. The lush white roses symbolize purity and timeless beauty, while the blue hydrangeas bring a touch of serenity and peace. The white alstroemerias add a hint of sophistication, and the eucalyptus leaves provide a refreshing, aromatic finish. Expertly arranged and wrapped in elegant white packaging, it’s a gift that speaks volumes of elegance and thoughtfulness.
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Maxim Masterenko
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