Produits en lien avec cet article
Experience the art of fine floristry with this elegant bouquet, featuring seven lavish roses, four pristine white chrysanthemums and five dainty baby roses. Complemented with an understated charm of four sprigs of blue gypsophila and a final touch of five vibrant blue chrysanthemums, making this arrangement a prime display of both simplicity and sophistication. Perfect for any occasion that calls for a touch of floral finesse.
Blue 🩵
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- 1 personne a ajouté le produit dans sa sélection
- Recevez 8.55 Bonus
rose - 7 pce white chrysanthemum - 4 pce baby rose - 5 pce blue gypsophila - 4 pce blue chrysanthemum - 5 pce
- Largeur - 50 cm
- Hauteur - 60 cm
Experience the art of fine floristry with this elegant bouquet, featuring seven lavish roses, four pristine white chrysanthemums and five dainty baby roses. Complemented with an understated charm of four sprigs of blue gypsophila and a final touch of five vibrant blue chrysanthemums, making this arrangement a prime display of both simplicity and sophistication. Perfect for any occasion that calls for a touch of floral finesse.
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