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Experience the captivating blossoming love with our exclusive Florists Specials. This exquisite bouquet is a hand-picked collection of 6 vivacious Roses, 5 delicate Carnations, 3 lavish Spray Roses, a single, radiant Chrysanthemum, and 2 magnificent Anthuriums. Each stem is nurtured and picked at the peak of its beauty. Its the perfect accompaniment that enhances any occasion with its stunning display and soothing perfume. This harmonious blend of remarkable flowers invites a sense of joy, romance, and grace into both grand celebrations and quiet intimate moments.
Disponibilité confirmée 110 min retour
- , et nous connaîtrons les frais de livraison
- Recevez 9.87 Bonus
Spray rose - 3 pce Anthurium - 2 pce rose - 6 pce carnation - 5 pce chrysanthium - 1 pce
- Largeur - 40 cm
- Hauteur - 50 cm
Experience the captivating blossoming love with our exclusive Florists Specials. This exquisite bouquet is a hand-picked collection of 6 vivacious Roses, 5 delicate Carnations, 3 lavish Spray Roses, a single, radiant Chrysanthemum, and 2 magnificent Anthuriums. Each stem is nurtured and picked at the peak of its beauty. Its the perfect accompaniment that enhances any occasion with its stunning display and soothing perfume. This harmonious blend of remarkable flowers invites a sense of joy, romance, and grace into both grand celebrations and quiet intimate moments.
Notes et commentaires
Cette semaine
Mars 2025
The bouquet in reality does not look anything like the pictures when you order. Very disappointing.
Janvier 2025 • Avis sur google maps
the staff is really helpful and it was my anniversary so they deliver it on time
Août 2023 • Avis sur google maps
Быстрая доставка, цветы красивые и соответствуют фото в каталоге и главное что цветы действительно пахнут цветами. Очень приятное общение. Отдельное спасибо за подарок от магазина.
Mai 2024 • Avis sur google maps
Very good
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