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The 51 Rosita Vendela Roses bouquet is a luxurious arrangement that combines the soft, creamy petals of Rosita Vendela roses with their elegant beauty. Known for their timeless charm and symbolizing love, grace, and purity, this stunning bouquet is perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any occasion that deserves an extraordinary floral gesture. At Fellora Flower Boutique, we ensure each rose is selected for its freshness and exquisite quality, delivering a breathtaking arrangement that will captivate and impress.
Disponibilité confirmée 75 min retour
51 Rosita Vendela Roses
- , et nous connaîtrons les frais de livraison
- Recevez 77.9 Bonus
Ribbon - 1 pce wrapping paper - 7 pce rosita vendela roses - 51 pce
- Largeur - 55 cm
- Hauteur - 55 cm
The 51 Rosita Vendela Roses bouquet is a luxurious arrangement that combines the soft, creamy petals of Rosita Vendela roses with their elegant beauty. Known for their timeless charm and symbolizing love, grace, and purity, this stunning bouquet is perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any occasion that deserves an extraordinary floral gesture. At Fellora Flower Boutique, we ensure each rose is selected for its freshness and exquisite quality, delivering a breathtaking arrangement that will captivate and impress.
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Jack Wolf
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