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Make a grand statement with our bouquet, featuring 101 pristine white roses. Each bloom is a symbol of purity, grace, and everlasting love, creating a breathtaking arrangement that exudes sophistication. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any moment when words arent enough, this luxurious bouquet is the ultimate expression of admiration and devotion. The abundance of white roses, with their classic beauty and serene presence, will leave a lasting impression on anyone who receives it.
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101 White Roses
- , et nous connaîtrons les frais de livraison
- 4 personnes ont ajouté le produit dans leurs sélections
- Recevez 71.92 Bonus
rose kenya - 101 pce design packaging - 4 pce
- Largeur - 40 cm
- Hauteur - 40 cm
Make a grand statement with our bouquet, featuring 101 pristine white roses. Each bloom is a symbol of purity, grace, and everlasting love, creating a breathtaking arrangement that exudes sophistication. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any moment when words arent enough, this luxurious bouquet is the ultimate expression of admiration and devotion. The abundance of white roses, with their classic beauty and serene presence, will leave a lasting impression on anyone who receives it.
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Always fresh and beautiful flowers. I am a regular customer and the seller appreciates it. If something happens, they quickly solve the problem. Thank you
Pavlo Hyriavets
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