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COFFEE SCRUB SOAP ☕️ Made from ground coffee, almond oil, coffee essential oil, saponified vegetable oils (olive, coconut, etc.) This helps tones the skin, evens and smoothes it, scrubs and massages. ALL SOAPS ARE HANDMADE IN KYRGYZSTAN 🇰🇬 Why choose Natural handmade soap? - Natural handmade soaps are made without any chemicals and toxins that can be harmful to human health and environment. - All ingredients came from the rarest and freshest sources in Kyrgyzstan. - These products are made delicately and skillfully by the women in Kyrgyzstan and your support means so much more not only to my small business but to these women also. - Homegrown ingredients such as Calendulas, Lavender, Bees and much more. All soaps are packed plastic free. LET’S BEAT PLASTIC POLLUTION.

Coffee Scrub Soap

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COFFEE SCRUB SOAP ☕️ Made from ground coffee, almond oil, coffee essential oil, saponified vegetable oils (olive, coconut, etc.) This helps tones the skin, evens and smoothes it, scrubs and massages. ALL SOAPS ARE HANDMADE IN KYRGYZSTAN 🇰🇬 Why choose Natural handmade soap? - Natural handmade soaps are made without any chemicals and toxins that can be harmful to human health and environment. - All ingredients came from the rarest and freshest sources in Kyrgyzstan. - These products are made delicately and skillfully by the women in Kyrgyzstan and your support means so much more not only to my small business but to these women also. - Homegrown ingredients such as Calendulas, Lavender, Bees and much more. All soaps are packed plastic free. LET’S BEAT PLASTIC POLLUTION.

Beaut’ Organico

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