Indulge in the seasonal charm of our Florists Specials. The romance of classic red roses pairs beautifully with the rustic elegance of brown and silver pinecones. The bouquet is further accentuated by the lushness of Eucalyptus and Hypericum, combined for a splendid variety. To top it all off, the inclusion of Lisianthus, Ruscus, and Pittosporum introduces a delightful interplay of textures and colors, making this arrangement a perfect gift or an exquisite centerpiece for any occasion. Please note that the exact count of each component may vary, ensuring each bouquet is unique and tailor-made.
Disponibilité confirmée aujourd'hui
Festive Xmas Tree
- , et nous connaîtrons les frais de livraison
- Recevez 47.97 Bonus
Eucalyptus - 10 pce Ruscus - 10 pce Lisianthus - 10 pce hypericum - 10 pce pittosporum - 10 pce red roses - 30 pce brown pinecone - 10 pce silver pinecone - 10 pce
- Largeur - 35 cm
- Hauteur - 90 cm
Black tulip, Emirats Arabes Unis
Pays de fabrication
Emirats Arabes Unis
Indulge in the seasonal charm of our Florists Specials. The romance of classic red roses pairs beautifully with the rustic elegance of brown and silver pinecones. The bouquet is further accentuated by the lushness of Eucalyptus and Hypericum, combined for a splendid variety. To top it all off, the inclusion of Lisianthus, Ruscus, and Pittosporum introduces a delightful interplay of textures and colors, making this arrangement a perfect gift or an exquisite centerpiece for any occasion. Please note that the exact count of each component may vary, ensuring each bouquet is unique and tailor-made.
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